First and foremost we would like to share that the logo of Asian-African Chamber of Commerce & Industry incorporates the Vision and ideals of its founder & president Dr. GD Singh, who, around 10 years back envisioned a dream of integrating the Asian and African region together on single platform of growth and equity.
To coin the logo in one single word, it represents – Integration.
The three stripes represent the ideals upon which this organisation is build:
1.) Red – this colour has always depicted ‘power’ and ‘vigour’ among other things, at AACCI we see red as a sign of ‘solidity’ , the relentless probe of conjuring the apex among the services which a Chamber is manifested for being in existence.
2.) Green – denotes sustainability and eco-friendly organisations for an optimistic future where environment is kept as a ‘focal’ of activities with a unison aligned thought of preserving the nature.
3.) Orange – in many ancient civilizations this colour has been used synonymous with ‘prosperity’, whether from the Asian or African continent. We have imbibed this colour to our logo to indicate that we strive towards prosperity of the member nations and it SME industries through synergies and commerce.
The other two elements of the logo also hold significance, representing again the ideals and foundations of the two continents. The solid ‘A’ represents the entire the Asian economy having been boosted by first the Japanese growth, then by the tiger economies and now by India – China economic boom.
On the flipside, much of the African region is yet to realise an economic boom thus holding an immense potential of unexplored realms of exponential growth. Depicted by the continent’s map’s outline ending with an upward arrow.
The union of these two elements of the logo is the foundation of this Chamber – uniting the world economies for a sustainable, prosperous, progressive and solid future.
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